Sunday, November 6, 2016

I Need to be Reprogrammed ~ #NaNoWriMo 2016

It's as if everything I have learned about writing has been deleted from my brain.  I forgot all of the lessons I have learned about writing stories and blog posts and sometimes even text messages.  The freaking day job and the kid have me all screwed up. My attempt to having a dating life sucks too but that's a story for another day.

I have this great master outline example from Better Novel Project. It would be awesome if I could make myself sit down and come up with plot points from my story to basically fill in the blanks so I can keep the story going. But it's so hard.

Being a pantser is hard but plotting every little scene ahead of time isn't something I can do either. That's why I've been kind of plotting as I go along, sort of hybrid between pantser and plotter.

I really don't know how I would ever be a full time author with my attention span issues. I guess I would have to go to the library or rent office space somewhere to get things done.  I even thought about renting a room for an hour in a seedy hotel every week or two so I can write. Seedy doesn't bother me much since most of the stuff I write about is pretty naughty.

I would be totally winning all the way around if I had the discipline to write all year round and not just during NaNoWriMo.  Being one of those people that would never get anything done without a goal is my problem.  Of course I could always do the Camp NaNoWriMo too so I would be working on a story three times a year instead of just once. Or I could just be a really smart person and set my my own goals but eh...

Good luck to all of the other NaNo-ers out there.

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