Saturday, October 18, 2014

Let's Do This NaNoWriMo Again


     It's really a shame that I haven't blogged since last year during NaNoWriMo. And what's even sadder is that I didn't even let you guys know if I won or not.  Well...

     I wrote over 51,000 words of the second novel in the Sassy Johnson series.  This year I'll be doing number three.  My plan is to write 75,000 words this year, which means I have to do around 2,666 words a day.  Now if I do that for the entire 30 days, I will have a whopping 79,980 by the end of the month. 

     This goal is pretty ambitious but I think I can do it, or get pretty damn close.

     I've drafted a working outline, that I'm pretty happy with but I'm sure will get tweaked here and there as the story unfolds.

Well that's enough messing around, let's get to work planning these magnificent novels we are going to write next month.

Until later, I'll holler.

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