Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Independence 2010

D and I had a very good 4th of July weekend. Saturday, we took a trip to Mud Island, a theme park/museum in downtown Memphis. I probably took about 65 pictures that I’m going to put in a scrapbook before the summer is over. We walked around that place for about 2 ½ hours, and my thighs still feel the effects of it.

I loved the historical displays that were in the museum. D tried to climb up on everything, and I kept snatching him back down. Some of that stuff was more than 100 years old, I didn’t have any money to repair or replace anything up in there.

We tried to take a paddle boat ride but I was afraid we would tilt over because I’m so big and D’s so little. I was gonna take the chance anyway but he got to wiggling and there were no seat belts on the thing to strap him in so we got off. He cried for about 5 minutes, until I thrust a juicy hotdog in front of him. Then he was all smiles.

Sunday, we spent most of the day at my dad’s house, stuffing our faces. D, my niece and little sister worked their gluttony off in the trampoline. Dad took a nap and I talked shhh until it was time for D and I to go downtown for the fireworks display. We lollygagged around for about 1 ½ until the show started at 10. D made a friend that I hoped wouldn’t turn into an enemy after he practiced some kind of karate chop on him. The fireworks display only lasted seven minutes, but we got encore performances from people in the various neighborhoods that we traveled through on our way back home.

My dad’s birthday was the 5th, but since we had already given him his cards and gifts on Sunday, D and I decided to hang around the house. We took turns using the laptop until we fell asleep on top of the covers because guess what? The A/C was not working. We slept nice with the bathroom window open since there was no screen on the one in my bedroom.

I’m supposed to return to work today, but I don’t wanna. My boss is supposed to be off all this week so I guess I could go in and clean my desk off a little—maybe.

All in all this has been an excellent holiday weekend. I’m sure D would agree.

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